About a Kid with Dyscalculia

Max can't do math.
At 11 years old, he is struggling in school because, unlike his friends, the numbers he sees in class get all jumbled up in his head.
He explains:
"An eighty-one might look like an eighteen to me, like they were switched at birth. I'm sure you get it by now. I am numerically challenged. I have dyscalculia, a disorder that (they tell me) means I have a problem grasping numbers. Sometimes, they slip from my mind like water from a sieve, and somehow, I am just left with a gaping hole."
Max's middle school friends meet to help each other solve their individual problems. Eric has dyslexia, which makes it hard for him to read or interpret words, because the letters get mixed up in his brain. It's the same thing for Max, except for him, it's with numbers.
Tori is a neighborhood girl who comes around to ask Max's mom for help with her problems. And Pecos the Parrot has trouble expressing herself with words. She says "oh boy" for just about everything.
This realistic book shows what caring people can do to help each other through their challenges.

Max McDonald is 7 years old, and he’s totally frustrated because every night his math homework drives him crazy. It’s as if the numbers float across the page so fast they make him dizzy!
Recently diagnosed with Dyscalculia, Max is grateful for the help of his mom, his best friend Eric, his pet bird Pecos, and his teachers, who are all helping him figure out a way to work with numbers.
For fans of the chapter book series – Figure Eight – this is the new picture book series about Max when he was a young boy and first learned he had Dyscalculia.

Join Canfield the Can on his adventure outside his refrigerator home as he explores the world of possibilities when he and his fellow aluminum cans, pieces of paper and plastic, and other landfill beings are recycled, re-purposed, and re-used.
“Such a terrific little gem of an early reader chapter book with really great information about recycling. Just loved it! So thrilled to illustrate and light the publishing path for this one! “
~~ D. D. Scott, International Bestselling Author

What does it feel like when you just can't do what the other kids, I mean stars, do? Can't kept trying, but he never seemed to shine as brightly as the other stars, and was always teased and bullied by others. Can't feels that he is less than the other stars and just cannot shine. It wasn't until Can't realized he Can, that everything changed for him. Find out how Can't became a hero and ultimately became Can. Able is the star who had it all. Able helps Can't to realize that he can really shine. Connect with Can't, Able, and all the stars that live in their neighborhood and beyond in the star-studded children's book Can't and Able: An Inspirational Story. The colorful artwork by Daniel Stevens creates beauty and fun throughout the universe. And as we all know, the star is the limit! Originally from New York City, Cynthia Fabian now enjoys meditation and the quiet life in Somerset, New Jersey. "I grew up with a disorder. I always felt like I could not shine, just like Can't. When I became a teacher, I saw many children that were experiencing the same difficulties. They were teased and often felt smaller. This book is for all of you, struggling and not knowing how to change your circumstances. If you simply believe, you can change your own circumstances. Believe in yourself and you will see the wonders of change are in your power."

Robert, a five-year-old with epilepsy, has a seizure at school. The students don't understand what a seizure is all about, and one child even makes fun of Robert. To make Robert and the other students understand what happened, the Coach gives the children a lesson in music, describing it as an Orchestra in Our Brain. He illustrates just how the brain works by using musical metaphors. Robert's brain decided to play the wrong note, so he had a seizure. The orchestra in his brain was slightly off key. This book's simple and non-graphic way to explain epilepsy to children is one that will allow kids to understand seizures, and to learn about people who are different than themselves. Previously a teacher, Cynthia Fabian now speaks in libraries and schools. "I have had epilepsy my entire life and have always had to overcome obstacles in many ways. This book is more about making yourself the best, by keeping a positive attitude than anything else."

What Is Muscular Dystrophy? Muscular dystrophy or MD (pronounced mus-kyoo-lur dis-troh-fee) is a degenerative muscular disease where the muscles of the body get weaker and can stop working. For people who have MD, the proteins in the body are not made properly, and without these proteins, the muscles break down over time, so people with MD have problems with the way their bodies work. Erica has MD and she sometimes struggles with day-to-day problems, but she is learning how to manage her growing pains with the help of her new pet, Tripod the dog. It isn't easy for Erica, as her new dog Tripod is a brand new challenge. Erica's mom has brought home many pets over the years that needed homes. But this time it's different, this dog has challenges of its own. Can Erica make friends with the new addition to the family?

Ten-year-old Henry wishes he could stop stuttering and be as good as his sister Melba. Henry, his sister, and their mother live in Rockaway Queens near the beach, and Henry loves to escape to the boardwalk. He never knows what he will find there. One day, there might be a band playing music he's never heard. Another day, he might see a person riding around on a strange thing that looks like a giant tricycle, but has four wheels instead of three. And some days, Henry finds Allen, a local artist who uses recycled materials to make beautiful works of art and doesn't mind talking to kids. Those are Henry's favorite days. But the best day of all is the day Henry realizes what Allen's Second Hand Art can teach him about himself! Once they were broken and abandoned, but they can become beautiful in time. Sometimes they even create a shape that resembles a flower. It is this metaphor that beauty in life and broken dreams can yield positive results. -Henry Allen Stevens Jr.
It's definitely time for a book that will help kids learn and adjust to their individual needs. Dyscalculia now has a name and a solution.
I suck at math too! My son is dyslexic and has these struggles ... He liked the story because he was able to relate. Whatever helps a child succeed and not give up, should not be discouraged. Great book!
happyinflorida3, AMAZON READER
The Counting Game teaches the reader that modern technology can be used for good intentions or for hurtful insults. I highly recommend this wonderful, sweet, elegant, funny and refined work.
B.A., M.A.,

Cynthia Fabian was born in Los Angeles but grew up in New York City. She is an author (6 books with more on the way) and speaker, now retired from teaching. She resides in Venice, Florida, where she is an ecological volunteer and an inventor.
Recycling has always been a wonderful way of helping our planet, so she wrote Canfield the Can to help emerging readers understand how important it is to our world. She invites you to enjoy her books and help the world to recycle, reuse, and reduce.

Cynthia also loves to travel around the world, when she's not working on her next book

The star of the Figure Eight Books and Max McDonald...the real Pecos, who is Cynthia's own bird